Goat Notes

March, 2016
Landscaper Blogger Sean Adams posts Billy Goat white paper comparing traditional drum aerator technology versus new reciprocating technology: http://www.thelawnletter.com/home/what-you-need-to-know-about-aerators
November, 2015
Fall maintenance and cleanup makes for a highly profitable season for Landscapers and for their customers, healthy growing grass. Billy Goat's Pierre Pereira sites some great tips for Landscapers in Landscapeonline article "Rake in Fall Profits with High Productivity Leaf Cleanup."
Pierre Pereira, VP of Sales & Marketing at Billy Goat Industries authors "The Aerate Debate" on Lawn & Landscape
March, 2015
Landscaper in Florida uses Billy Goat vacs to pick up grass clippings, leaves, etc. to help prevent water pollution. See the article in the Orlando Sentinel.